Category Archives: Vaccinations

Oh No, It’s Polio!

What encouraged eradication efforts in the 1940s and 1950s that would lead to the widespread use of the Polio vaccine?
An examination by Kendall Carney and Kristin Conwill

The Basics
What is Polio, anyway?
According to the World Heath Organization,
“Polio is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus.… Read more

Post Polio

The Fate of Poliomyelitis after Salk’s US Campaign

Brooke Bandon, Marie Videau and Mattie DeCella

History of Polio after Salk

1957: Start of the first oral poliovirus vaccination tests in the Democratic Republic of Congo

1961: Dr. Albert Sabin develops an oral vaccination, it rapidly becomes the vaccine of choice against polio.… Read more

Disparities in American Vaccination Rates: A Case Study of Colorado and Mississippi

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Immunization rates vary heavily from state to state and by individual vaccine, with the national average hovering in the low nineties (most health professionals agree that a 95% or better immunization rate is optimal). … Read more